Support for all stages of life

The foundation for lifelong wellbeing starts in childhood and builds through all stages of life. Sometimes, things happen in life that can crack
or rock that foundation. It’s never too late to reach out. 

We provide compassionate care across the lifespan – from the youngest children to older adults, to help strengthen wellbeing for all.


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Young Adults

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A mom and teenager look at a computer together with the logo for NDAFW (National Drugs and Alcohol Facts Week) displays across the bottom of the image.

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week shares substance use and addiction science

In addition to St. Patrick's Day, Monday, March 17 is also the first day of...
A mother holds her teenager close, while the teen looks at the camera. The teenager has a section of hair that is dyed purple and white.

Understanding self-injury 

This article contains content about suicide and self-injury. The information provided on this web site...

Becoming the voice for those in need

On a day in early 2015, Tuesday says she made the decision to go into...

Client story: ‘Eventually I want to start my own business’

At LifeWorks NW, our mission is wellbeing for all. Wellbeing often requires more than just...

How can we help?

