Susan: A Journey Towards Wellbeing

Jun 3, 2019

Jeanie Lunsford-Batson

Living in a state of constant fear and the threat of danger imminent, Susan [not her real name] started to isolate herself. She struggled to keep track of timelines, and having schizoaffective disorder made it nearly impossible to hold a conversation. Susan was unable to hold a job for more than a couple of months at a time and eventually, became homeless.

Enter LifeWorks NW.​

Through a referral from the Hawthorn Walk-In Center, Susan got connected to the EASA Program. She participated in the supportive housing program and also found jobs through supported employment.

Now, Susan lives independently, works two, stable jobs that she has maintained for a year, and is proud to be able to care for her pets. She says, “I can actually have a conversation with people and be in public without being terrified of people. I have built relationships with others and have a great group of friends who are supportive. I have learned how to rely on myself and live independently.” Of LifeWorks NW she states, “No one ever took the time to listen or help me out…[LifeWorks NW’s] EASA took the time to listen and get to know me.” We are proud of Susan’s successes, and are excited to support her and others in their fight towards wellbeing.​​