Supported Employment sstory: ‘I am so glad I didn’t quit before the miracle’
Oct 7, 2019

Ce Ann, a Supported Employment client at LifeWorks NW’s Beaverton site, joined the program because she thought it would help with her depression. She’d been self-medicating for years to cope with hypomanic bipolar disorder. She hadn’t worked in 20 years.
With a combination of Support Employment, therapy, and medication management, Ce Ann turned her life around. According to Megan Crouch, her Supported Employment Specialist, Ce Ann landed the first job she interviewed for on the spot. She now works part-time at a retail store and loves it.
“I am so glad I didn’t quit before the miracle,” says Ce Ann.
After getting the job, Ce Ann became sober for the first time in years.
“I would have never gotten a job if it wasn’t for this program,” says Ce Ann. “I didn’t think there was a job out there for me that would accept me and would be a good fit. I was so lost about how my benefits would be impacted, and I am so grateful for the support.”
Ce Ann has been at her job for six months and her supervisor told Megan, “We wish we could have 10 more Ce Anns. She is making healthy friendships and using positive and outside support systems. Ce Ann has such a wonderful outlook and sense of humor.”
Congratulations to Ce Ann for her great progress and to Megan and her team for the support that makes it possible.