As you know, winter in Portland can be rough, especially for those who don’t have adequate clothing, housing or food. Thanks to Wendy, LifeWorks NW’s wonderful resource specialist, and the Outreach Team at Beaverton Four Square Church we can help some of our clients feel warmer and better cared for. The church’s Outreach Team put on a donation drive for winter items and passed them along to Wendy on October 20. She collected eight large bags full of new coats in adult and children’s sizes, along with other winter necessities.
“This is especially welcome this year, because last year this type of gear was not easily available,” says Wendy. “Many places that carried free coats and clothing in the past, have not reinstated those services yet.”
Our clinicians are working with Wendy to pass along these items to our clients in greatest need. And thanks, again to the Outreach Team at Beaverton Four Square Church for your kindness and support.