Transgender Awareness Week

Nov 12, 2021

Jeanie Lunsford-Batson

Trans Rights Are Human Rights

Transgender Awareness Week is observed November 13 through November 19 and this week-long celebration leads up to the Transgender Day of Remembrance which is a day to honor the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost due to acts of anti-transgender violence.

During Transgender Awareness Week, transgender people and allies help bring awareness to the unique needs of the transgender community. Often stories and experiences are shared, advocacy moves to the forefront, and we ask our community to help address and prevent prejudice, discrimination and violence that affect our transgender community.

You can help change the narrative and experience for transgender people by checking out the following resources:

Tips for Allies of Transgender People | GLAAD

A Guide for Parents of Transgender and Gender-Expansive Youth 1-10-18.pdf (

Transgender Awareness Month 2021 – Fenway Health: Health Care Is A Right, Not A Privilege.