At least six states (Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi) across the Midwest and the South experienced historic levels of damage as a series of tornadoes left behind in their wake mass destruction and debris. There have been at least 38 tornadoes that have touched down which has resulted in at least 84 deaths, though that number is expected to rise. There are countless injured. There are hundreds of thousands that remain without heat and water. We send our heartfelt thoughts and best wishes to those that have been impacted by these devastating events.
If you know someone who has been impacted by the devastating tornadoes, there are many resources available, such as the American Red Cross.
The National child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) has also provided the following resources:
- Parent Guidelines for Helping Children after a Tornado
- Tips for Parents on Media Coverage of the Tornado
- Questions to Ask Your Children About the Tornado
- After the Tornado: Helping Young Children Heal
- Teacher Guidelines for Helping Students after a Tornado
- Trinka and Sam and the Swirling Twirling Wind—e-book for young children (En Español)
- Tornado Response for Kids: Right After a Tornado
- Tornado Response for Teens: Right After a Tornado
- Helping Youth after a Community Trauma: Tips for Educators
- Age-Related Reactions to a Traumatic Event
- Simple Activities for Children and Adolescents without Power or When Playing Outside is Restricted
- Helping Young Children with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers
- Helping School-Age Children with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers
- Helping Teens with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers
- The Power of Parenting: How to Help Your Child After a Parent or Caregiver Dies
Psychological First Aid
The NCTSN also has resources for responders on Psychological First Aid (PFA). PFA is an early intervention to support children, adolescents, adults, and families impacted by these types of events. The PFA Wallet Card (En Español) provides a quick reminder of the core actions. PFA Handouts include:
- Parent Tips for Helping Infants and Toddlers (En Español)
- Parent Tips for Helping Preschoolers (En Español)
- Parent Tips for Helping School-Age Children (En Español)
- Parent Tips for Helping Adolescents (En Español)
- Tips for Adults (En Español)
Mobile Apps
Disaster Helpline
SAMHSA has a Disaster Distress Helpline—call or text 1-800-985-5990 (for Spanish, press “2”) to be connected to a trained counselor 24/7/365.