Help share these Zero Suicide Initiative videos

Jun 4, 2022

Diane Benavides-Wille

zero suicide video
LifeWorks NW has worked for several years with Washington County and other mental health supporters on the Zero Suicide Initiative. It has included creating language for all clinicians to use each time they meet with clients, materials to share with families to help stop suicides before they happen, and much more. Now, the county and others have banded together to make videos to share on social media and elsewhere. Learn more from Diane Benavides Wille, a member of our Zero Suicide Team. 

From Diane  

I am excited to announce that videos for suicide awareness are available in ads and social media. The first round of videos asks: “How would you check in with a friend who may be in trouble?” 

There are fifteen 30-second videos on the web that will also airon entertainment networks such as Pluto TV, Roku TV, Samsung TV, Tubi TV, FOX, Xumo and Univision, and on digital device platforms like Amazon Fire, Android, Xbox and PlayStation. A full list of videos is available on YouTube (11 English, 4 Spanish).

Right now, the campaign is launching social media to share English and Spanish versions of the 1-2 minute social media videos. Washington County Health & Human Services Facebook pages and Elemento Latino will be sharing them, and so will LifeWorks NW.  And we hope we can rely on you as individuals to share these videos, as well. If you are willing, please share them on your personal social media accounts and email lists to share this important message with our community:

Later this year, there will be more videos asking, “What would you say to a friend who may be thinking about suicide?” Washington County anticipates that they’ll come out in time for Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in September. 

Thanks for your help in sharing these valuable videos with your extended community; helping to achieve zero suicide takes everyone’s help.