Crystal, a member of our Mental Health Response Team (MHRT), received two awards at the Sherwood Police Department’s annual Awards Banquet on February 3, 2023. Crystal has been supporting the South Cities (Sherwood, Tualatin, Tigard and King City) as a crisis clinician with great success. Her Sherwood officer partner, Adam Keesee, nominated her for both awards.
While the MHRT staff has worked in Washington County for a number of years, the South Cities only added a dedicated officer-clinician partnership in mid-2021. Before joining the MHRT, Crystal was part of the Hawthorn Crisis Team.
Crystal rotates between working with three officers from the different cities (King City doesn’t have an officer on the team) two weeks at a time, according to Clinical Supervisor Christy.
2022 Lifesaving Medal
“The Lifesaving Medal had to do with a client who was threatening to jump either into traffic or off of a bridge,” says Christy. “Crystal was instrumental in talking with her and [ending the situation] in a safe resolution. When there is imminent danger of a suicide attempt, Crystal can issue a director’s custody, get them to the hospital and relay the information to the hospital staff.”
“Crystal and the other MHRT clinicians do lifesaving work almost daily,” says Kris Miller, senior program director, Hawthorn Walk-In Center. “We are happy and proud that Crystal was recognized in this way.”
General Staff Award
Crystal was also honored with the General Staff Award. It is issued to one staff member (a captain, sergeant or civilian employee) who distinguishes themselves from others. According to the event information, this award may be issued based on the recipient’s exceptional attitude and willingness to assist others, their mentorship and/or leadership.
“It’s pretty sweet,” says Christy. “Crystal’s name is forever on that plaque. The chief of police can select one person who works with law enforcement each year for special recognition for their contribution to that police department. They all just adore Crystal and are so appreciative of her involvement with them. She’s been just a great addition to [the South Cities].
"It has been an honor to me to be on Washington County's Mental Health Response Team, specifically assigned to South Cities, for about a year and a half now,” says Crystal. “I have felt warmly welcomed by the agencies I am embedded in and feel like they have made me part of their agency families. When I accepted the position in this expansion role, I knew it was a big task, but I knew it was one I was up for. I am so grateful for the recognition recently, but mostly for the fact that these agencies have welcomed me fully as part of their teams."