Jimmy’s dad first heard about the LifeWorks NW St John’s Children’s Relief Nursery 2.5 years ago through the Department of Human Services (DHS). Jimmy was very shy and struggled with concepts that negatively affected his social-emotional development and language. He also was having lengthy tantrums.
After contacting LifeWorks NW, the parents received direct assistance from the home visitor who came to their house. The home visitor shared information with the dad about the Relief Nursery services, such as the therapeutic classrooms, parenting classes and respite.
Overall, the Relief Nursery has provided a source of security, stability and consistency for Jimmy and his family. Through the program, the support and resources have given the family a way to move forward in life successfully. In addition, the LifeWorks NW staff has provided a set of foundational skills that helped Jimmy with language, supporting his communication with peers and family. Being a part of this program has helped his family recognize the importance of social-emotional development and value strong attachment amongst them all. For Jimmy, these services have boosted his confidence and focus. His family members have seen improvements in Jimmy’s language and recognize his continuous growth every day.
Jimmy will be starting kindergarten this fall with an amazing vocabulary that will allow him to tell stories and better understand himself and his surroundings.