A Supported Employment client story: ‘I get excited at all the possibilities’

Apr 18, 2024


At LifeWorks NW, we believe in wellbeing for all, and we know that wellbeing means holistic support for a client’s whole life. Our Supported Employment program helps clients in their recovery journey build the skills, resources, and confidence they need to achieve their career goals.

Jason (not his real name) shares how his care team has made a difference in his recovery after an episode of suicidal ideation that included him quitting his job at that time.

“I had no money and no way to support myself,” Jason says.

A Supported Employment Specialist was brought onto Jason’s care team by his therapist.

“For the first month or two, we would meet once a week and talk,” Jason says. “We talked about my body issues, why I left my previous position, and what I was looking for in a new job. From there, we started working on my resume.”

“At first my goal was just to get a job for money in my pocket so that I could buy the necessities I needed… I’ve learned that I need to continue working to reach the lifestyle I am trying to achieve.”

Jason’s employment goals evolved as his recovery evolved. He was able to first find employment as a security guard, but he has bigger goals now.

“My goal is to stay in security for now, while I am doing a software development bootcamp,” Jason says. “After the bootcamp, within 180 days, I would like to be in a software developing or game developer position.”

His recovery journey has supported his behavioral health as well as his skill development.

“My employment specialist has helped show me the steps that I need to take to achieve my goal of becoming a software developer,” Jason says. “I feel like I am finally growing up in life. I have finally figured out what I want to do for the rest of my life, and what I want to do for my career. I get excited at all of the possibilities.”

“I am finally planning on getting a credit card to build my credit so I can eventually buy my own apartment,” Jason says. “My employment specialist, therapist, and I are also working on a plan to improve my communication skills so that I can work effectively with a team. A lot of software developing jobs are in teams, and I’d like to build this skill.”

“Along the way, I have learned that I am a lot smarter than I have given myself credit for.”