Client story: ‘My life is so full’
March is National Gambling Awareness Month, and one of LifeWorks NW’s Gambling Therapy clients wanted to share her story. Helen came to LifeWorks NW Chemical Dependency (CD) program for her …
March is National Gambling Awareness Month, and one of LifeWorks NW’s Gambling Therapy clients wanted to share her story. Helen came to LifeWorks NW Chemical Dependency (CD) program for her …
Less than two years ago, a consumer we’ll call Tom, came to LifeWorks NW for help. When he first came to us, he was suffering with Schizophrenia and depression, and …
“I think a lot of people feel like in society we’re discriminated against if you have a mental illness,” says Delia (not her real name). “I think letting go of …
‘I feel optimistic about the job I’m pursuing after I finish college’ Read More >>
Jason Bourgeois, a LifeWorks NW Supported Employment specialist at our Milwaukie-International Way site, recently celebrated the success of a client dealing with Bipolar 1. We’ll call Jason’s client Mercedes. “I …
Klue first came to LifeWorks NW for drug treatment. After completing drug and alcohol treatment, he was referred to the LifeWorks NW Hillsboro-Walnut Rehab program and now lives in a …
For Kathy, who is raising four grandchildren ranging from 1 to 14-years-old all of whom are past victims of trauma, LifeWorks NW Family Support and Connections has been a huge …
It wasn’t until Rae saw the words “Trauma=Addiction” on a clinician’s office wall that she began to see the connection between her past experiences that led to substance abuse and problem gambling.
Jesse, a soft spoken, articulate and engaging singer-songwriter, began struggling with severe mental health symptoms at 14. The experience made it impossible to retain relationships or deal with challenging situations. …
Ce Ann, a Supported Employment client at LifeWorks NW’s Beaverton site, joined the program because she thought it would help with her depression. She’d been self-medicating for years to cope with …
Supported Employment success story: ‘I am so glad I didn’t quit before the miracle’ Read More >>
Sometimes you know something is wrong, but you really don’t understand what is causing it. When she came to Lifeworks NW, Kayleen was struggling to find work after a long …
My name is Cathy [not real name], and I entered your facility in [spring of] 2015, I was a daily meth user, estranged from my family and friends, facing felony …
Living in a state of constant fear and the threat of danger imminent, Susan [not her real name] started to isolate herself. She struggled to keep track of timelines, and …
As a young adult living with schizophrenia, Amika struggled every day to trust others and make social connections, even with her family. The feeling of isolation was crushing. Paranoia was …