Passionate Team
This quote by Simon Sinek sums up why so many of us are passionate about the work we do at LifeWorks NW: Working hard for something you don’t care about …
This quote by Simon Sinek sums up why so many of us are passionate about the work we do at LifeWorks NW: Working hard for something you don’t care about …
Finding new, qualified clinical staff is challenging these days as more organizations—from schools to corporations—are adding mental LifeWorks NW is continuing to celebrate our 60th anniversary with stories from our …
Congratulations, Hillsboro-Main Street Children’s Relief Nursery (CRN)! This is the CRN’s 5th anniversary, and they have done an amazing job over this time. In 2011, the site was an asset …
Hillsboro Children’s Relief Nurseries 5th Anniversary
“This has been a difficult time for communities and the behavioral health organizations that serve them with mental health, addiction and preventions services,” says Mary Monnat, CEO of LifeWorks NW, …
Great News for LifeWorks NW, Oregon’s Behavioral Health Read More >>
Children’s Relief Nursery-Gladstone is excited to have received a grant from Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC) in Clackamas to expand on their Circle of Security work. The grant, written by …
Our Tigard Day Treatment programs are excited about a $25,400 grant toward offering summer school this year. The grant was written by the NWRESD Day Treatment principal, Bethany Bowers. NWRESD …
Opinion Editorial run in Portland Business Journal on 12/12/20: Gov. Brown, please restore crucial behavioral health lifeline By Mary Monnat, LifeWorks NW, & Derald Walker, Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare Earlier this …
It’s been widely reported that COVID-19 has had a widespread impact on mental health. As the pandemic continues, community members, may feel anxious, depressed or find themselves using more substances …
LifeWorks NW Supports Washington Co COVID Counseling Program Read More >>
Last year, Oregon’s news outlet’s banned together to break the silence about suicide. Now, the federal government is launching REACH, a $53 million campaign to reduce suicide. While Oregon’s suicide …
Oregon’s Zero Suicide Initiative is making a difference Read More >>
Now, like so many organizations, LifeWorks NW has had to adjust services during the pandemic. But it continues to offer its services ranging from residential services, mental health crisis response, …
“Santa’s sleigh exploded at King today,” said Deb S. Allison, program manager for King Adult Rehabilitation, Adult Outpatient, Rapid Response. “Jamie Fournier, Peer Recovery specialist, received donations from businesses and …
The Beaverton site is the second LifeWorks NW clinic to have a Genoa Healthcare pharmacy. It opened December 18, with a “soft opening.” Their grand opening will be in the …
Each year, the Ferguson-Murphy fundraiser donates bikes to the children associated with the LifeWorks NW sites, and several other nonprofits. This year, they delivered 110 bikes and helmets to children …
Did you know that there are studies that say doing good is good for you? Studies suggest that volunteerism and charitable giving can improve self-esteem, reduce depression and anxiety, lower …
Oregon prides itself on surpassing other states in many areas, but there is one statistic where we’re hoping to get a zero. For years, Oregon’s suicide rate has been higher …